[DRAFT] Yugabyte and Postgres - Finding information.
TL;DR: [DRAFT] Could not resist creating an ERD of tables to collect metrics. I have put "Session" central to my information. Considering it is the application-connect that initiates the session and is the main "customer" causing all activity in a database. Regarding Session: a Datamodel... Aim is currently to find heavy processes and heavy queries. Spotting underlying tabblets / tables may/should follow from that. But other may be more interested to dive directly into the storage-layer (as thew metrics on port 9000 seem to focus on rocksdb) Central, I think, is the "Session". as identified from from pg_stat_activity and from. the ps -ef list on the host. I then built a number of entities (tables) around the Session with the aim of collecting data. Relevant Data (I hope). Metrics... I did get lost a bit in the huge amout of text coming from ports 7000 and 9000. They seem to provide a lot of rocks-db and program/process info. But I could not (yet) rel...